WELCOME TO VENUS CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Note: Kindly Deposit Security Amount In our Current Account Only...
Please Note: Anyone who is interested to work with us will not deposit security money to any individual account else the company will not responsible for any outcome in the future

Terms and Conditions

1. Client shall pay According To Job Packages as registration fee and documentation fee. For more details please visit: http://vcreativetechnology.com/offline-data-entry-jobs/

2. Registration fees is refundable after 2 assignments (*condition apply) and documentation fees is not refundable.

3. This Registration shall remain valid till the next Eleven Months from the date of starting of actual live commercial production and mutual relations. After the completion and review of the performance and mutual relation, the same contract can be extended and renewed as desired by both the parties.

4. FINANCIALS : Total working days: According to your Job Packages.

5. PAYMENT SECURITIES : If client delivers the processed work as desired by him/her with 90% accuracy. The Company will pay 20% advance in next assignment.

6. PAYMENT : Payment of billing will be made after 6-8 commercial days of work submission reports.

7. QUALITY CHECKING : Quality check report will be provided within 6-8 working days of the submission of the data transmitted in previous lot.

8. ACCURACY : Client agrees to deliver processed work with 90% accuracy then company makes full payment. Otherwise deduction will be made as…

1. Between 90% – 87%- the deduction will be of 10 %,

2. Between 87% – 84%- the deduction will be of 20 %,

3. Between 84% – 81%- the deduction will be of 30 %,

4. Between 81% – 78%- the deduction will be of 40 %,

5. Between 78% – 75%- the deduction will be of 50 %.

9. CHANCES : If accuracy level is below 75%, no payments will made to Client for that lot/month work and the Company will not gave any work in further months to client.


a) : In any case client doesn’t submit the work according to the instruction (Given by company)


b):The due date, time & incomplete Then company will terminate the client account without any notice and will not issue work further & security money will be forfeited by company.

11. If the client uses OCR converter or any other software (for the typing work) then company have to cancel your registration fees without any notice.

12. In case Company is unable to get work from the PRINCIPAL Company then the Company will give 15% compensation to Client equal to work of particular period at the time of final settlement of contract period.

13. No modification of the term & conditions shall be valid unless it is written and signed by both the parties.

14. *100% Registration fee Refundable in that case if achieve the accuracy level above 90% for continues 2 assignments.

15. Any dispute arising out of this term & conditions during the contractual period would be dealt within the jurisdiction of the competent courts at NEW DELHI.